Full & Part-Time Positions Available. SLP-CCC/CFY/ASST - OT/OTA - PT/PTA - SP/PES
Do you enjoy the simple pleasure of working with children, but would like more freedom?
Do you have experience with pediatrics, looking for a great CFY, or would like to give the school setting a try? We Need To Talk!!
We have openings for the self-motivated professional looking for a highly rewarding position.
We offer our full time associates a custom tailored compensation & benefit package including: medical, dental, life & retirement benefits.
Part time associates benefit from our excellent pay scale, which is great for those wanting some extra income.
For the most current information on specific employment needs please visit our Facebook Page here.
Email your application, or call 843-669-1188 for an interview.
Bobby Crawford, bobby@lowesrahab.com
David Lowe Sr., david@lowesrehab.com